Friday, August 22, 2008

    Some blogs I like

    It hasn't been long since I started looking for personal development resources on the web. As for now, the first two seem the best out there, the third one is a pick-up artist I like.

    The Positivity Blog
    : It contains an amazing amount on posts about self-improvement. It contains tons of information! Definitely worth a daily check!

    Steve After spending some nights in jail this guy decided to change. He started a entertainment software company and is now completely devoted to self-development. He has some great podcasts on his web. From what I have heard so far they are great, I hope he doesn't jump the shark.

    Becomming a pick-up artist: A 22 year old virgin male that decided to become a ladies man. The best thing is that his skills with the ladies had a effect on other aspects of his life. He regularly answers emails from readers, and it is great, because he doesn't try to make others feel good, he tries to make them accept the truth. A 100% bullshit free blog.

    The best way to keep updated of different blogs is with the use of google reader! If you don't have a google account... what are you waiting for?

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